Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Do what you're told!

On February 18, 2016, Columnist David Dam from the Daily Texan Online published an article titled, "Anti-police brutality is not anti-police".  David argues that ideas of anti-police brutality should not be confused with ideas of anti-police. He starts his article saying that police brutality has been around for decades, mainly focusing on black individuals. He tries to convince us that blacks and others of colors should join together and spread the movements of those like Black Lives Matter. And mentions that "Black Lives Matter does not mean police lives do not."  He gives an example of a naked 17 year old boy killed in Austin just last week by a black police officer. David goes on to believe that officers should get more training but this cant happen if people don't recognize that police brutality towards blacks is real.

David does a really good job trying to convince us that police brutally is wrong, which i agree, but does a really bad job explaining the other facts behind why stuff like this happen to people. Or in Davids article, why things like this happen to black people. In the case of the naked 17 year old, David doesn't explain how everything let to Joseph, the young black male to be killed. Freedman the police officer who had received a disturbance call saying that witnesses who said they saw a man chasing another man through the complex. When Freeman arrived he saw the boy naked in the streets. As the officer went to approach him, Joseph charged at Freeman, and the officer opened fire.

So here's is the point I'm trying to make and why i don't agree with this article. Every cop has a time where they have to make a split decision. Some make the wrong one, and there are consequences for that, but "If an officer is wrong, that officer was wrong. But you shouldn't paint every cop as bad" - Officer Sewell. A lot of the killing that I've seen in social media happening to black people always involves someone resisting arrest and not doing what is told by the officer. You better believe that if an officer tells me to do the chicken dance i will do the best chicken dance he/she will ever see. There's a reason why an officer is trying to speak to you or arrest you and just because you hold your hand up doesn't justify the fact that you're not listening to them as they tell you to get on the ground. This officers are regular people and every time they put on a uniform they fear that they might not make it home because of an idiot who couldn't stand still while being told to do so. Any officer will do what they have to do in order to get the arrest without being hurt. If i was an officer and i believed that the person in front of me is a threat, i will do what ever necessary to get home to my family safe.
These are the men and women that we are supposed to look up to. They are supposed to protect us and make us feel comfortable. But when social media is telling us other wise, its like a domino effect. Many will follow and agree that police are being racist, but the full story of every death is never told.

To sum this up, i believe that when someone sees that a killing was done by a police officer, that person is going to be anti-police because they will fear that what happened to Eric Garner will happen too them. But people don't realize that yes, this was a sad story, yes he had his hands up to say he wasn't going to do anything, but the officer who's trying to arrest you believes you're doing something illegal and they are telling you do get on the ground and stop resisting arrest. And that is exactly what everyone should do, listen, get on the ground and put your hands behind your back if told. It's that easy.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

With Clean Power Plan Ruling, Texas Dodges Climate Action

On Wednesday, February 9, 2016 TEXAS TRIBUNE published an article titled, "With Clean Power Plan Ruling, Texas Dodges Climate Action."

The article states that on Tuesday the U.S Supreme court granted a request by Texas and 26 other states to halt the Clean Power Plan. And Texas is in no rush to sign Obama's Plan since they haven't tried to "shift from coal-fired power to natural gas, as would have been required by Obama's rule." The reason that Texas and other states are against Obama's Plan is because they believe that following the Clean Power Plan would "cost the states jobs, push electricity costs too high and threaten reliability."

While the Supreme Court ruling has helped Republicans dodge action on climate change, there are those Environmental groups who are calling this a disappointing surprise.

The Clean Power Plan will stay pending for review. But "had the regulations stayed in place, Texas would have had until Sept. 6 to submit a final plan or apply for an extension."

This article is worth reading and following up with because i believe climate change is a serious topic and we only get one planet to live in. So why damage it more with Coal power being already being the main cost for pollution when we could just pay a little extra money to save the place that we need to survive. Those who try to scare us with saying that electricity cost will rise never mentions how much it would be. After all, those politicians only say what they want us hear.