Thursday, February 11, 2016

With Clean Power Plan Ruling, Texas Dodges Climate Action

On Wednesday, February 9, 2016 TEXAS TRIBUNE published an article titled, "With Clean Power Plan Ruling, Texas Dodges Climate Action."

The article states that on Tuesday the U.S Supreme court granted a request by Texas and 26 other states to halt the Clean Power Plan. And Texas is in no rush to sign Obama's Plan since they haven't tried to "shift from coal-fired power to natural gas, as would have been required by Obama's rule." The reason that Texas and other states are against Obama's Plan is because they believe that following the Clean Power Plan would "cost the states jobs, push electricity costs too high and threaten reliability."

While the Supreme Court ruling has helped Republicans dodge action on climate change, there are those Environmental groups who are calling this a disappointing surprise.

The Clean Power Plan will stay pending for review. But "had the regulations stayed in place, Texas would have had until Sept. 6 to submit a final plan or apply for an extension."

This article is worth reading and following up with because i believe climate change is a serious topic and we only get one planet to live in. So why damage it more with Coal power being already being the main cost for pollution when we could just pay a little extra money to save the place that we need to survive. Those who try to scare us with saying that electricity cost will rise never mentions how much it would be. After all, those politicians only say what they want us hear.

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